Radioscopie linguistique des frontaliers

Nous ignorons pratiquement tout des compétences linguistiques des frontaliers parce qu’ils échappent en règle générale aux études socio- et démolinguistiques qui ne prennent en compte que les résidents du Grand-Duché. D’où l’intérêt des données que nous allons présenter qui apportent des informations inédites remettant d’une part en question l’idée reçue que les frontaliers ignorent la…

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Colloque vun der Luxemburgistik – Wantersemester 2022

Och am Wantersemester 2022 gëtt de Colloque vun der Luxemburgistik am hybride Format ugebueden, op der Plaz, um Campus Belval am Konferenzsall „Aquarium“ um zweete Stack vun der Maison des Sciences humaines, an online iwwer Webex: De Colloque steet am Katalog vun den IFEN-Formatiounen (Code : D1-d-10): D’Attestatioune ginn zum Schluss vum Semester…

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Ëmfro iwwert de Lëtzebuergesch-Unterrecht

De Lëtzebuerger Bildungssystem am Wandel. Dëst ass d’Theema mat deem sech d’Véronique Glod an hirer Masteraarbecht befaasst. Dass et säit dem éischte Schoulgesetz vun 1843 zu villen Ännerungen am Schoulsystem komm ass, ass verständlech, mee wéi hunn dës d’Entwécklung vum Lëtzebuergesch-Unterrecht beaflosst? Fir dat erauszefannen ass Är Hëllef gefrot: Wéi huet Äre Lëtzebuergesch-Unterrecht ausgesinn an…

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Automatic speech recognition in Luxembourgish. A very first model

The recent advent of highly performant models in Machine Learning had a considerable impact also on automatic speech recognition (ASR) systems in general and on low-resource language in particular. Models that have been trained on thousands of hours of labeled (or unlabeled) speech are achieving today error rates that were inconceivable even ten years ago. However, while these models mainly exist for big languages (i.e. mainly English), small and low-resource languages typically were left out as the preparation of appropriate training material was too costly or too complicated due to the lack of the required high amount of text and audio data. At least since the development of self-supervised learning frameworks like wav2vec2, low-resource languages are experiencing also some considerable advancement in speech recognition and related tasks. Instead of developing an ASR system entirely from scratch for a certain small language, one can now use one of the massive multilingual self-supervised models and fine-tune them with a smaller amount of data for a specific target language.

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Colloque vun der Luxemburgistik – Summersemester 2022

Och am Summersemester 2022 gëtt de Colloque vun der Luxemburgistik am hybride Format ugebueden, op der Plaz, um Campus Belval am Konferenzsall „Aquarium“ um zweete Stack vun der Maison des Sciences humaines, an online iwwer Webex: De Colloque steet am Katalog vun den IFEN-Formatiounen (Code : D1-d-25): D’Attestatioune ginn zum Schluss vum Semester…

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Job offer: PhD position in Linguistics/Automatic Speech Recognition

The University of Luxembourg is an international research university with a distinctly multilingual and interdisciplinary character. The University was founded in 2003 and counts more than 6,700 students and more than 2,000 employees from around the world. The University’s faculties and interdisciplinary centres focus on research in the areas of Computer Science and ICT Security, Materials Science, European and International Law, Finance and…

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