D’Méisproochegkeet zu Lëtzebuerg ass d’Thema vu villen Diskussiounen, Bäiträg a Studien. Am Alldag kann een se a ganz verschiddene Situatioune begéinen: beim Akafen, an der Zeitung oder och an der Musek. Den Jamie Liddell ënnersicht de Phenomen vun der Méisproochegkeet am Hip Hop, deen zu Lëtzebuerg (respektiv vu Lëtzebuerger) gemaach gëtt. Dofir kuckt hien sech net nëmmen d’Texter vun de Kënschtler un, mee sicht och d’Gespréich mat de Leit aus der Zeen déi de Sproochkontakt all Dag erliewen.


Performative language choices amongst Luxembourgish hip hop artists

„Emerging developments in the literary and musical aesthetics of hip hop lyricism, and ongoing sociolinguistic attempts to map the present and recent past of Luxembourg’s expanding and contracting multilingualism, are both endeavors in which each step forward seems to require two steps back.  That is, the languid progress of research is outpaced several-fold by the rate at which new fluctuations arise in the subject matter; this general observation is more than illustrated by my specific study.

My project discusses at great length the instances of language contact between participants and artists of wildly varying linguistic profiles within the general community of Luxembourgish hip hop, and how the different ideologies and assumptions – both dormant and active – in the study of Luxembourgish multilingualism are reflected or refuted by the way in which language use governs hip hop in Luxembourg as a sprawling community.   That is, how often and in what capacity do artists who prefer to rap in one language interact with each other, which languages are used most and least, do artists performing in languages other than Luxembourgish engage in more cross-border collaborations than those who are almost exclusively Luxembourgish-performing, etc etc.   However, in discussion here will be the few recorded songs from the small-if-not-tiny corpus of Luxembourgish hip hop which are, in themselves, within the boundaries of the start and end of the song, multilingual as a participatory activity and as an artistic work.  This will include fellow Luxembourgers utilizing their individual preferred performance languages as well as Luxembourgers collaborating with artists from outside the country entirely, allowing us to see internal and external Luxembourgish language barriers (or lack thereof) under the same lab conditions, the international language (or lack thereof) of hip hop.  In addition, we can also see what the revealed contrasts and concurrences indicate to us about those lab conditions themselves, about their very usefulness as a means with which to discover and to memorialize phenomena of language contact both ephemeral and eternal, and indeed if what we talk about when we talk about „hip hop“ is even still viable as a singular cultural designator.

Using several particular works as examples, I hope to provide an overview of the past, present and speculated future of my study in general, as well as how this both connects to and disconnects from the past, present and speculated future developments of the fields in which it has its basis.“

Zu dësem Virtrag mat uschléissender Diskussioun ass jiddereen häerzlech wëllkomm.

Wou? Zu Belval an der Maison des Sciences Humaines 02-15-110 um 16:00 Auer.

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