Eng Sprooch molen oder Emotiounen, déi mat enger Sprooch verbonne sinn op e Blat bréngen, ouni Wierder ze benotzen – dëst ass en Deel vun enger Studie, déi d’Julia de Bres eis nächst Woch am Colloque wäert virstellen. Dës Method – am Kontrast zum klassesche Questionnaire oder Interview – gouf scho méi dacks ugewant, wa Fuerscher wollten Informatiounen iwwert d’Emotioune vu Spriecher zu eng Sprooch kréien. Bis ewell waren d’Participanten awer ëmmer Kanner, wat an dëser Etüd soll geännert ginn. D’Approche ass ëmsou méi intressant, well zu Lëtzebuerg e méisproochege Kontext ze fannen ass a vill Awunner ënnerschiddlech sproochlech Hannergrënn hunn.


Méi dozou kënnt Dir hei an hirem Abstract liesen oder Dir kënnt einfach hire Virtrag lauschtere kommen a mat eis diskutéieren (16 Auer, MSH 02-15-110).




Reflective drawing as a means of researching emotions about multilingualism in Luxembourg


This talk will explore the potential of reflective drawing (le dessin réflexif) as a means of eliciting the emotional aspects of people’s experience of using multiple languages in Luxembourg.  While emotions frequently arise in discussions about multilingualism, it can be difficult to access them in any detail using traditional direct methods of metalinguistic research such as questionnaires and interviews.  Since the 2000s, a group of researchers in Western Europe have been investigating perspectives on multilingualism through drawing, using an approach that has come to be known as ‘le dessin réflexif’.  Participants are asked to respond to a drawing instruction (for example ‘dessine-moi tes langues’ – draw me your languages) and then to engage in discussion with the researcher about the meaning of the drawing they have produced.  This method has been shown to be especially powerful in encouraging the expression of the personal, imaginative, subjective, and emotional aspects of people’s relationship to language.  It has, however, been undertaken mainly with children, in an educational setting.  The current research aims to expand on the limited number of reflective drawing studies involving adults, and to extend the scope beyond an educational context.  Thematically, the research will hone in on potential ‘hot spots’ for emotional responses to multilingualism in Luxembourg, with an initial focus on the theme of language and migration.  The question to be addressed will be ‘What emotions do people of different language backgrounds express in relation to living with multilingualism in Luxembourg?’  The talk will discuss the planned methodological approach for the project and results of initial piloting with Anglophone visitors to Luxembourg, which highlight the potential richness and complexity of the data obtained through this method.

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